Family feud set design clip art

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In the Steve Harvey episodes, there’s always one white family, and one black family, and the white family always plays worse the whole game, and then wins in the last round. Episode after episode, fantastic Steve reaction after fantastic Steve reaction, black family after black family losing to white family after white family (it’s deeply troubling, but it’s true. Why would someone pay people to do this? Why would anyone watch it?īut this afternoon, I watched it. I couldn’t wrap my head around how this could be considered a skill. It was as convoluted as a game of telephone. And then on the show, contestants had to guess what other people had guessed still other people would say. I imagined the people taking the survey, not listing even their own preferences, but what they thought other people would prefer. Actually, not even the perceived single answer, but a small collection of commonly assumed answers. The answer the show looks for isn’t the real answer, but the perceived one.

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